Internal Audits

When you need to now the truth…we give you the truth. Clear and simple…that allows you to make right decisions.  

Internal audits work as the immunity system of your QMS. If it is working properly, it enables you to identify Gaps long before they become prominent to the external auditors. This way the proper CAPA plans can be developed and implemented at the right time and to the right extent. To verify preparedness for NB Audits, we provide a multi-dimensional audit service.

 We can undertake the responsibility to plan and execute internal audits for you for each standard - 

Integrated Audit: We can also conduct integrated audits to cover requirements of various standards in the same audit thus providing you peace of mind with a high level of assurance on your QMS.

Technical File Review Audits: TFR forms an essential and integral part of the Internal Audit programs. To find the right competence to complete Technical Files, reviews are a must. Often you opt to rely on the NB Technical File reviewers to assess your TFs and find Gaps which is a very expensive methodology. Each finding costs you time and money. By hiring our services, you can save that time at a minimal cost.

AUDITORS QUALIFICATION: All Regulatory standards require Auditors to be impartial and without any conflict of interest. You also need to provide documented evidence that the auditor is competent to perform the audit against all applicable standards.

 AUDITOR TRAINING: A fully trained internal audit team is a must for effective implementation of all standards. We suggest that you develop your internal audit team and we can provide them a customised internal audit training on site to enhance their skill level as auditors. This will increase your self-sufficiency in Internal audits.

A good internal audits system saves you time and resources by minimising the risk of Non-compliance identified in NB audits.